rowid,Castle 1,Castle 2,Castle 3,Castle 4,Castle 5,Castle 6,Castle 7,Castle 8,Castle 9,Castle 10,Why did you choose your troop deployment? 13,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,32,32,32,You only need 28 to win 17,1,0,0,0,1,14,34,34,14,2,"It’s basically a bell curve, but with one soldier in Castle 1 because I had to. " 58,4,0,1,1,1,0,0,31,31,31,My goal is to acquire 28 points. This is on permutations of castle attacks that makes it likely 59,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,32,32,32,"I do have to win all 4 of my engagements, which doesn't leave any margin for error. I'm confident in castle 1, and 2/3 for 8-10. So I just have to get a little lucky that opponents spread their forces out too much." 64,1,0,0,20,20,0,0,0,35,24,Magic 66,1,0,0,18,18,3,3,3,32,22,Beats most of previous 2 games 94,1,0,0,2,1,0,17,21,27,31,"Securing the high castles is paramount to our victory, with a few sneaky +1 to counteract those who wish to tie us in mortal combat." 113,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,99,0,Just Cause 116,1,0,0,14,20,2,2,2,29,30,I'm dumb 123,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,99,0,0,"You need to get points, and probably the only way to do that is to win a house outright. I am guessing that someone will do 100 for 10 and 9, so guessing 8 will be the one where people don't apply 100." 128,1,0,9,15,0,20,25,30,0,0, 131,1,0,1,6,22,12,8,14,6,30,"I chose a strategy that could beat each of the top 5 from the last two times, could beat an even distribution, could beat a focused attack at the top, and could beat a (10,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,30) strategy. The first strategy I found was (1,2,2,18,1,6,2,33,11,24). Then, I used random sampling to see if I could find strategies that would beat my strategy. Out of a sample of 200, I found 84. I compared these 84 against the original 13 strategies, and found 1 that beat all of them. This strategy was (0,1,1,6,22,12,8,14,6,30). However, your entry form won't let me put 0 for castle 1, so I switched castle 1 and 2. This seems to work just fine as well." 159,1,0,1,2,2,2,23,23,23,23,People seem to try to get clever by guessing which castles others will give up on or go all-in for. Maybe being not-clever and just going for the high-value ones counters that? 176,1,0,0,2,21,22,3,24,27,0,"Key is to get to 28. Wanted to stack as few castles as possible to increase probability of winning those. Left 7, 4, and 3 as contingency plans in case someone was doing the same." 194,1,0,1,17,20,1,2,23,32,3,saw the best ones from the last 1 and combinated. 201,1,0,0,14,22,2,2,24,33,2,Why did you force at least 1 unit to go to castle 1? 205,1,0,0,0,0,9,10,10,35,35,"For the goal of winning 28 points, I plan to take castle 9 and 10. Then win any two among castle 7-9. I'm avoiding castle 4 - - 5 as they seemed to be hotly contested in prior matches" 208,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,22,37,40, 210,1,0,0,12,14,13,0,0,31,29,"I expect eight and seven to be hotly contested, so I left them open along with three and two giving the opponent 20 points out of the gate. One required a value greater than zero, so I gave it one. With an average of three, I will likely lose one and the opponent will have 21 points. I plan to take four and five which were hotly contested in the last round and may be less so in this round. Six will be a toss-up. Nine and ten must be taken. If I can take four, five, nine, and ten, I will have 28 points and the opponent would have 27." 213,1,0,14,0,0,18,0,0,33,34,"Going big on castles 10, 9, 6, 3. It is designed to ""just barely"" win against what I figure is an average deployment. It matches up well with the top castles of Round Two but struggles against some of the top castles from Round One. As you might be able to guess, I don't expect people to go back to the Round One strategy." 216,1,0,0,12,0,12,25,25,25,0,"In order to assign the maximum number of soldiers to selected castles, from all castle combinations that sum up to 28 with just 4 castles, I choose to ignore castle 10 and concentrate forces to 9,8,7 (25 on each) then I just need one of 4,5 or 6 so I had to share the rest 25 soldiers to those 3 castles. To increase chances I placed 12 soldiers to 4 and 6 and the last remaining to castle 1( that was unintentional, since I had to place at least on soldier to castle 1)" 235,1,0,0,16,18,1,1,20,21,22, 238,1,0,1,1,25,1,1,1,35,34,"Copy the same strategy as last time, but more extreme (thinking people are going to go back to strategy 1)" 246,1,0,1,2,12,21,27,32,2,2,"never gonna win 9 & 10, don't want 1-4, split the rest leaning higher for higher values" 249,1,0,9,0,0,20,20,20,0,30,"You must win at least 28 points. Since the given strategy seems to be to avoid large commitments on 10, and attack 4,5, and 9, I chose to deploy my troops to 10, 8, 7, and 6 in large numbers, concentrating the rest on 3 to offset losing 1 and two. Its a high risk strategy, because losing just one of the higher values will result in a loss. " 254,1,0,0,0,0,0,24,25,25,25,Control the four top castles that add up to more than the rest. 258,1,0,0,3,3,21,22,23,24,3,Captain Chaos 259,1,0,0,6,17,17,6,4,23,26,War 277,1,0,0,9,0,15,0,35,40,0,Cheapest way to 28 total points. It did make me place one troop in castle one for some reason. Would rather have put that soldier at 4. 301,3,0,7,10,20,0,30,30,0,0,"I targeted 6 castles that would get me 28 points. If I go 6/6 on those ones that I bet big on then I win (doesn’t really feel like a good strategy, but I wanted to see how it would play out)" 303,1,0,1,7,1,20,3,27,14,26, 306,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,31,31,30,"I am just trying to get to the minimum amount of points to win: 28. I found the combination with the least amount of castles I possibly need to win and dumped all my points into these 4, forgoing the rest completely as they are not important in my winning strategy. Also, based on the previous 2 games, I decided to put the least in castle 1 in order to stack 8, 9, and 10 to the fullest possible." 307,1,0,0,2,23,4,4,28,32,6,"Picked some castles to go for, crossed my fingers no one else goes for them" 326,0,0,0,14,17,20,23,26,0,0,Ignored 9&10 and chose the fewest castles past that to give me more than 28 points and weighed troops by value 329,0,0,0,13,15,18,26,28,0,0,Distributed my troops evenly through 4-8 which will give me 30 points each time banking on that I have more troop in those stations giving the other opponent 10-9-3-2-. 339,0,0,0,0,5,20,20,20,20,15, 342,0,0,1,3,1,1,22,23,24,25,"This is my second entry. I created it as the counterpoint to my strategy (sort of) in the first. Here, I must win 3 of the 4 largest and then pick up 4 more points." 343,0,0,0,0,20,23,0,30,27,0,"There's no way to win without at least four castles, so I focused on winning four and tried to optimize versus earlier distributions. " 349,2,0,0,0,0,17,18,18,20,25, 351,0,0,4,0,11,0,30,31,0,24,"I came up with about a dozen different strategies. Strategy A was an even distribution (10 per castle), B was weighted (2 for Castle 1 up to 18 for Castle 10); C was weighted to beat A-B, D could beat A-C, all the way until strategy O. After Strategy O, I couldn't make another distribution that could beat N plus the other ones I had already made. It's banking on chaos and people not wanting to overpay for Castle 10, thinking they can take Castles 6-9 for a little more points" 353,0,0,1,2,20,22,3,24,28,0,"Resubmission of my last entry, which required me to put at least one on castle 1. Want to concentrate my efforts on reaching 28, the required score for winning the battle. The others are slight contingencies, in case someone else does the same thing." 354,0,0,10,0,0,20,28,32,5,5,Because I'm the Grandmaster. 355,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,36,35,"limit losing troops, look for highest return on investment" 357,2,0,11,12,15,22,8,1,28,1,"Focusing on a few moderate-to-large castles. Expected to lose 2 every time, 8, 10 almost every time. About half of 1 and 7. Most 4, 5, 6, and 9." 361,0,0,11,12,17,0,25,0,35,0,"I need 28 points to win, castle 1 and 2 have little value, I feel like people will value 10 and or 8 highly. 10 seems like a median number and something someone would throw at 3 or 4 so I went with 11 and 12. It's really a win all or lose scenario for me. Hopefully people spend resources out instead of concentrating. 10,9,8,1 seems like the most common strategy for people to really go after, I think I can overwhelm the 9 slot and forfeit the others while getting what I want" 364,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,Nash Equilibrium 368,0,0,1,17,22,2,1,1,33,23,I slightly modified Vince Vatter's distribution from Round 2. I'm very original. 369,0,0,0,7,10,0,0,24,28,31,"Subscribe to the ""Barely Win or Lose by a Lot"" theory." 371,0,0,0,2,21,21,21,2,2,31,Try and get the 10 and then the 5-7 which weren't as heavily contested 373,0,0,0,4,1,16,1,16,31,31,To win. 386,1,0,19,1,1,21,0,23,0,34, 388,0,0,8,19,17,12,4,4,4,32,"Trying to win 10, 6, 5, 4, 3. Probably not a strategy to win the whole thing but should be good enough to be in top 50%." 389,1,0,19,1,1,21,0,23,0,34, 390,0,0,1,19,0,19,1,25,1,34, 396,0,0,11,13,2,21,21,21,0,11,"Gut feeling, picking the less selected castles by either of the previous two rounds." 406,0,0,0,16,1,1,25,28,28,1, 430,0,0,7,5,6,17,16,17,16,16, 438,0,0,15,2,2,2,23,25,2,29,"This strategy should beat proportional strategies and rotations of proportional strategies, and I think that these will be the most common type. This will probably lose to some similar strategies (very concentrated on a few highest numbers and some low numbers), but by betting 2 on some of the middle numbers we'll hopefully beat more similar strategies than we lose to. We'll get crushed by strategies that beat us on 10 and 9 and also win a lot of low numbers, but I think these strategies will be least common." 447,0,0,0,11,0,0,26,31,32,0,"I went for the less ""psychologically significant"" castles which would still give me a significant advantage. I sent 11 troops to 4 as an additional bonus in case someone is close to me in the upper ranges, or sweeps all the castles I didn't send any troops to - and since 11 just barely beats the simple strategy of sending 10 troops to each castle. I sent 26 to 7 because 26 is one more than 25 (another round number I expect people to use a lot), and similarly I sent 31 (rather than 30) to #8. Hope this works!" 448,0,0,3,3,3,18,18,3,26,26,Focus on castles 5-6 and 9-10 449,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,32,31,31,"If I win the 10, 9, 8 and 1, I have 28 which is just enough to win." 457,0,0,4,13,16,8,14,14,17,14,Took the average of the previous two winners and made a team that could beat that. 458,0,0,0,0,20,50,30,0,0,0,"6 seems like a good number. And I didn't want to send any lone soldiers off to die. I expect to win Castle 6 around 1/3 of the time, so hey, that's like 2 points. I'm feeling positive about it." 461,0,0,0,1,18,21,0,22,36,2, 463,0,0,1,2,3,6,8,15,25,40,More troops at higher point total castles. Abandon the smallest castles as they aren't worth winning. 467,0,0,10,0,0,16,0,0,35,39,"I started with the averages and the winners from the last 2 rounds. Then I tried to craft a few strategies: a few random ones, some crafted to specifically beat the winners, some crafted to take advantage of historically undervalued spaces between winners and averages, - with some variations on how little/much to put on some of the lighter weighted castles. Then I sat down and went for a hyper aggressive strategy that had a single path to 28 points and would defeat all of the above hahaha. And so we end up here, with a warlord who styles him/herself also as an edgelord, and possibly did not do enough to account for beating strategies that were previously losing. " 468,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,35,"I only need 28 points to win, so I'm only investing my soldiers in 4 attacks to get me the 28 - the three highest totals plus one point." 469,0,0,0,15,17,2,3,4,21,38,"predictive to the human adjustment from round #2, I assumed flipped value on #9 and #10, otherwise assumed the meta deployment would be similar to before " 471,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,32,33,32,"I need 28 points to win, so I'm fighting hard for those 28 points." 472,0,0,0,0,11,11,11,21,21,25,Guarantee 10 and then assume no one else would expend more than 20 on any particular castle. Guarantee 9 and 8 on this rule and then spread the rest out descending. 473,0,0,12,0,0,22,0,0,34,32,"4-castle all-in no scouts. Relative value. My min allocation has to be > 10 to beat naive even split. My overpayment vs avg cost... I must win castle 9. The other castles I will overpay relative to my overpayment on castle 9. Castle 3 +7, castle 6 +11, castle 9 +18, castle 10 +14. You really have to beat my contested castles. Weakness is castle 3, but I’m at +7 and castle 6, +11. Beats all past winners." 480,0,0,0,5,10,10,15,20,22,18,Maximize points from ties 484,0,0,0,16,20,20,21,21,1,1, 486,0,0,0,0,11,4,0,15,35,35,Compared the strategy against a uniform deployment (10 / castle) and against the winner from second round. Tried to get at least 28 points against both strategies. 487,0,0,0,7,8,0,0,35,35,15, 489,0,0,0,0,0,25,0,34,41,0,The minimum number of castles needed is 3 which have to add up to 23. 6 is app. 25% of 23 so 25 soldiers 8 is app. 33% of 23 so 34 soldiers and the rest go to 9. 493,0,0,0,13,0,12,0,0,37,38,23 points are needed to ensure a win - Overwhelming top two castles can get to 19 and then I just need to pick up one more of the other castles to win. Splitting between two helps cover bases if I lose one of the 9/10 and also increases odds i get the one castle to push me over 23 if I win the top two. 495,0,0,0,0,3,16,16,27,27,11,Sacrifice the low scoring to just barely overload the mid-to-high tier castles 506,0,0,9,22,22,6,27,2,6,6,"I chose to give up 1 and 2 completely, focus on 4,5, 7 while putting enough points into the rest to hopefully stall non advances." 513,0,0,10,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,rather take the sum of the middle numbers over the first and last 519,0,0,0,0,16,19,5,26,29,5, 523,0,0,0,15,15,15,25,30,0,0,Play for the middle and push for the top but don’t over commit 525,0,0,0,0,16,19,0,30,35,0,"I'm going all-in for getting the bare minimum points of 28 or more. The fewest castles I need is 4. 10-9-8-7 is an option but lots of people will go after castle 10, so I'm going after 5-6-8-9. Same number of castles, but I'm playing off the beaten path. Also, 5-6-8-9 are all castles that are in fewer winning combinations, so they're more likely to be won by me. The actual troop placements are based on the relative difficults I computed for winning those particular castles." 541,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,35,32,26,"The bare minimum to win 28 victory points, assuming I win all of my chosen battles. This allows me to maximize my troop deployment to a minimum number of castles. " 542,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,30,People are going to overthink it. 1/8/9/10 is enough to win. 544,0,0,0,0,18,22,26,0,0,34,Stakeout the middle and get the top one. Didn’t waste on other castles. 546,0,0,0,20,0,0,0,0,40,40,23 points to win. Overload the highest rated castles and sacrifice everything else 550,0,0,0,0,0,15,17,0,33,35, 551,0,0,0,0,15,20,2,2,27,34,"Focusing resources where they could be useful, deliberately avoiding a couple of high-value targets to win the war" 552,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,32,31,32,The goal is to get 28 points. Concentrated troops at the least amount of castles to achieve that. 555,0,0,25,0,25,0,25,25,0,0,"Sacrifices must be made! Castles 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 10 are dead to me! Going hyper-aggressive (but not the most aggressive strategy). Best Case: I win! Worst Case: I am a troll!" 556,0,0,0,0,0,10,15,20,25,30,"Win four of the top five castles, and you win. This particular troop distribution fights harder for the bigger prizes; would win against four of the five top strategies devised last time; and should be able to compete against anyone putting significant effort in winning lower tier castles, as people have been doing." 563,0,0,0,0,17,21,0,26,36,0,"I think a lot of people will be fighting for #10 and #1 because 10 is worth the most points and #1 is the tiebreaker if you went 10,9,8,1 or 7,6,5,4,3,2,1. I considered going for 10,9,8, 2 to avoid fighting over the #1 and because I could win even with a tie on #2, and then realized I could avoid #10 as well. In summary, I'm avoiding fighting over what I expect to be hotly contested #10 and #1 in favor of #6 and #5 while maintaining the concentration of my troops by only needing to capture 4 castles to win. As far as specific troop distribution goes, I made sure I had at least three times the castle number and dumped a bunch extra on #9, which I think will receive a heavy designation from anyone pursuing a variant of the 10,9,8,1 strategy. I did not assign any troop numbers that end in 0 or 5, they are too popular." 565,1,0,4,0,3,20,27,6,34,5,"I picked something that would defeat the top 3 in both prior battles. I added one army in #1 to catch those with zero in #1, for a 9+7+6+5+1=28 win. I put five in #10 to catch those who put two to four in it. I think my most-likely wins will be 9+8+7+6, 10+9+7+6, 10+9+7+3, 10+8+7+6, 9+7+6+5+3, 9+7+6+5+1, 8+7+6+5+3. I will lose to anyone who is heavier in 10+8+5+4+2 or 10+8+5+4+1." 570,2,0,6,0,2,0,23,36,0,31,I think people are going for 9. Trynna lock down 8 and 10 and hope 7&3 are strong enough. 575,0,0,8,12,13,13,13,13,14,14, 580,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,25,25,25,"Instead of spreading out my troops, I wanted to backend my troops toward the castles with higher amount of individual points." 586,0,0,0,0,21,21,0,29,29,0,"Let me try this again because I did my math wrong. Sacrifices must be made! Castles 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 are dead to me." 587,0,0,0,0,0,20,23,26,30,1,"Grasp barely enough castles to win, plus one in 10 as a counter strategy against a mirror match." 588,0,0,0,5,7,8,13,15,20,32,"The smallest 3 castles combine for only 6 points, so they're not worth deploying to, especially since that increases the available troops you can commit to the more valuable targets." 589,0,0,0,8,11,14,17,20,17,13,beat the average for both original Feb. and May soldiers per castle for all of the most valuable castles - punt on the low point battles. 606,0,0,0,15,15,20,25,25,0,0,Focus more troops on enough points to get more than half of points. 610,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,33,33,33,"Try to ensure victory at the top 3 values, which are greater than the sum of the rest" 615,0,0,8,4,4,21,16,22,4,21,Rd2 winners saw 2 trends v. 1: Entrants mimicked 1 and therefore 2 winners were differented from 1 winners in placement and throw-away towers were defended with 3-4 v. 1-2 solders to win. I picked a strategy that is different from 1-2 and increases throw-away defense slightly. 621,0,0,1,10,11,12,1,1,32,32,"Fight for the top two, plus the center" 629,0,0,0,3,10,21,29,22,11,4,Created a slightly skewed normal distribution centered on 7 then mapped 100 soldiers across that distribution! 632,0,0,7,8,11,0,0,23,25,26, 634,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,35,"28 points is a win, so that's all I'm going for. The Castle 1 victory is essential!" 641,0,0,5,15,5,10,20,20,25,0,I abandoned the first and last castles as not worth fighting over and focused on castles a little before and after the center that other teams might neglect. 648,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,All of the troops at the first castle higher than 5 662,0,0,0,0,0,0,26,32,42,0,"I only need to win 3 castles, assuming people focus on 10, I decided to ignore it an focus on the next three and then power creep 9 and 8 in case people had the same idea as I did." 665,0,0,3,7,10,14,18,21,18,9,"Zeroed out castle 1 and 2 since 3 points is small potatoes. Created a constraint that castle 3-10 had to be at least (Round One Median +1). Created 12 opponents, 5 winners from round 1, 5 winners from round 2, 2 opponents of my making. Used excel solver to maximize number of wins out of 12. Essentially creating an optimal solution to beat all 10 named winners with the additional requirement that each castle above castle 2 should be above the median and therefore more than 50% likely to be captured by me in any given game" 667,0,0,8,11,0,22,28,31,0,0,Strongly attacked with the most likely castles to reach 28. 668,0,0,0,0,23,24,25,0,28,0, 669,0,0,9,11,21,18,18,0,0,23,Just kinda throwing some troops like the US Govt throws money at the army 672,0,0,17,0,0,0,29,23,2,29,"All-in on 3,7,8,10" 673,0,0,2,15,11,6,5,3,27,31,"I tried to place heavier in the 9 and 10 spot to guarantee more points and let the 1 and 2 spots go, as they provide minimal points. I also sacrificed a chicken to Jobu." 680,0,0,12,1,2,23,3,3,33,23,"I used k-medoid clustering to find median strategies that represent the most common strategies, then found an allocation of soldiers that beat the 8 most common strategies. I then used that as an initial input to Robbie Ostrow's simulated annealing code from Part 2, which spat out the above." 681,0,0,12,0,0,26,0,0,29,33,Choose just a few castles and maximize the chances of winning those. 686,5,0,7,7,7,21,3,24,2,24,"This strategy wins at least 24 points against an average opponent, and has the opportunity to take at least 4 points from castles that must be left largely unguarded. If an opponent takes 6, 8, or 10, then they likely used too many troops to adequately cover the mid-tier castles." 687,5,0,7,7,7,21,3,24,2,24,"This strategy wins at least 24 points against an average opponent, and has the opportunity to take at least 4 points from castles that must be left largely unguarded. If an opponent takes 6, 8, or 10, then they likely used too many troops to adequately cover the mid-tier castles." 689,0,0,0,3,3,18,18,18,18,22, 691,0,0,0,10,14,14,0,24,20,18,"Assume strategies converge to a Poisson distribution around the lastest averages, and optimise." 713,0,0,0,0,0,10,10,15,25,40, 714,4,0,7,0,0,11,0,0,38,40,"Focus on getting required 28 points to win by targeting top tiers to make up bulk of points, and a few lower tier castles to add in just enough points." 728,0,0,0,5,6,7,8,22,25,27, 729,0,0,8,10,12,14,17,19,20,0,"I guessed that an distribution proportionate to point values will rarely win the 10 and will waste trips on the low-value castles, so I dropped the 10 and the bottom too and then loosely distributed them proportionally from there fight estimating as I wrote on some construction paper with a crayon." 737,0,0,4,15,18,6,4,2,28,23,Random ass guessing 739,0,0,1,18,2,24,3,22,3,27,"go for 4 castles that add up to just over half of points: 10, 8, 6 & 4. put some troops for most other castles in case i get wiped out on my targets by someone who sends few or no troops elsewhere. go all in on castles 6 & 4 (4 & 4.5 troops per point) with less investment in castles 10 & 8 (2.7 & 2.5 troops per point). send 0.33-0.43 troops per point to castles 3, 5, 7 & 9. this troop alignment happens to beat the top 10 previous finishers (5 from first round & 5 from second round). the main weakness of this strategy is if someone sends a ton of troops to castles 10, 9, 8 & 7 however not many players seem to take that strategy. the other weakness is an odd-numbered-focused strategy where the opponent sends a ton of troops to castle 10 or 8, plus a moderate number of troops to castles 9, 7, 5, 3, 2 and/or 1." 745,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,32,34,"My plan hinges on capturing the most valuable castles, 8, 9 and 10, as well as capitalizing - hopefully - on a perceived deficiency in the lowest value castle, 1. The total value of 55 divided by 2 gets 27.5, so the magic number is 28. 10, 9, and 8 would get me to 27 already, so capturing 1 alone would put me over the top. If I lose any battle I've committed to, I lose. If I tie any battle I've committed to, I lose (other than 1, in which I'd tie). Hopefully all works out." 748,1,0,2,2,11,12,24,24,0,24, 759,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,41,31,24,Magic 760,0,0,0,2,4,13,27,32,18,4,"I am modifying a model of a weighted bell curve, giving least priority to castles that have the least effective in point value, but also avoiding major battles for the top castles, which are relatively equivalent in value. Also trying to beat people who tend to round off or beat people who round, though that might be overthinking it." 768,0,0,0,2,12,16,0,33,34,3,"Trying to win 9, 8, 6, and 5, and hoping I can steal some of the others." 769,0,0,1,16,21,2,25,3,29,3, 772,0,0,0,3,5,23,16,13,17,23,"Inverted bell curve for the top castles, leaving ineffective castles empty." 773,0,0,0,5,9,14,21,21,30,0,Ill sacrifice the extremes and try to take the bulk of the points in the middle 776,0,0,0,1,17,17,1,21,10,33, 777,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,35,30,30,"28 is a win, so concentrate where you need to win, and win!" 780,0,0,4,6,0,16,16,18,35,5, 783,11,0,2,11,2,14,5,16,3,36,"-Try to lock up 10 -While everyone else is going for 28, go for 29. It guarantees you a couple towers you want, and hopefully if they went all in on 8, 6, or 4, hopefully you can pick up the number beneath it and you still hit 28" 787,0,0,0,0,15,20,0,40,25,0,Choose four castles whose total point value is 28. Go all out for them. 791,0,0,0,0,0,10,10,10,35,35,A gross misunderstanding of all logic 798,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,34,30,30,"A deliberate overkill strategy, designed to get exactly 28 points. If my guess is right then people will back down a bit on the bids on the higher, and still ignore the lower values. In this strategy you have to take the top 3, so the 1 value castle is the best hope to steal a final strategy. It just seemed like an interesting idea." 801,0,0,0,5,7,10,21,24,33,0,Avoided overcommit on 10. Attempted to stack 9 and upper middle. 804,0,0,0,20,0,10,20,30,0,20,just felt intuitively good 806,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,33,33,34,Go big or go home 811,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,33,33,30,"Just need 28 points to win. Figure I can almost always win 1 point with a small number on 1. Then maximize my focus on 8, 9, and 10." 818,0,0,11,0,0,7,7,7,34,34,"I don't want to lose any large castle by a narrow margin, as this would be a significant waste of troops. If I win a large castle narrowly, this is the best scenario, but an overwhelming loss is also acceptable (since it will cost my opponent many troops to achieve this, and therefore give me numerical superiority elsewhere). It's like the electoral college! In the previous rounds, players deployed troop amounts on the large castles that were either very small or very large. My strategy depends on my expectation that this pattern will repeat itself. I chose all of my troop placements with this in mind, determined not to lose any large castle narrowly against either of those strategies. I invested heavily into castles 9 and 10, expecting to win their points almost every time. If I win one or both of them narrowly, then this is a significant boon to my efficiency. If I win them overwhelmingly, this is not as good, but for 19 points I'm willing to take the risk. I expect to defeat most players who conduct a predictable attack on one or both of these castles. If I lose either of these castles after such a large investment then I probably lose the match. I expect to do well in castles 3, 6, 7, and 8. I'm vulnerable to opponents who attack three or more of these simultaneously with medium-sized forces while conceding castles 9 and 10, as some top finishers did in the first round, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Any two of these mid-range castles, plus the 19 points above will give me the 28 points necessary for the win. Castles 4 and 5 seem to have been highly overvalued in the earlier rounds, so I did not contest them at all. I am hoping to take an overwhelming loss here against opponents who try this again. If I lose them narrowly, that's unfortunate, but it won't matter too much. My path to 28 points is fairly difficult to block even without them." 822,0,0,2,30,2,30,2,34,0,0,Three eyed raven told me 823,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,30,25,35,Just a hunch I had based on previous editions 825,0,0,0,0,0,19,23,27,31,0,"All focused on the fewest castles needed to win, avoiding the highest and lowest valued." 830,0,0,0,13,1,21,2,23,3,37,Felt right :) 834,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,31,31,31,28 to 27 836,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,35,30,"No modelling, just a ten second guess on what others would do on average. (It's a no stakes game.) 28 is needed to win. 10 + 9 + 8 + 1 suffices. Naturally you'd expect them to be hotly contested, but this is well above the average content of those castles so let's let the last two round's data suggest it is worth a go attacking them. So let's sacrifice losing to players that take alternative strategies to see if this wins enough rounds against common submissions. And taking a complete guess that the peak of the contest will move from castle 8 to castle 9." 838,0,0,0,0,0,17,18,30,35,0, 839,0,0,7,10,12,14,17,19,21,0,1 and 2 are low-value; 10 will be too heavily contested 840,2,0,6,1,0,0,22,0,40,29,"55 points to win, this is a race to 28. The quickest way to that is winning 9 & 10 and then then figuring how best to win one big-ish castle and win/split a small-ish (but not smallest) one. I focused on 7 because I thought the battle would be bigger for 8, and then 3 to win or split. That takes me to at least 27.5 with the hope that one of the other towers breaks my way (particularly the 1 point as a win or split)." 844,0,0,0,8,18,19,21,30,3,1,Try to have a large enough force where opponents would not expect it. 848,0,0,1,2,21,21,22,3,4,26,"Trying a 4-castle deployment, as it's just easier to rely on. Throwing a few around in the larger unattended castles in order to protect against other 4-castle deployments. This mostly beats the recent winners and isn't the obvious 10-8-7-6 that stomps the last round. I could be in trouble if people really try to jump on 10, though." 850,1,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,39,0,Highest % troops outside Castle 10 852,0,0,0,0,0,20,0,0,40,40,"I wanted to deploy high numbers of troops to the highest value castles to get as close to victory at the beginning as possible. From there, it only takes 6 more points to win the game, so I put all my remaining troops in Castle 6 to have the best chance of taking the points needed to win." 862,0,0,0,20,0,0,26,26,28,0,"Maximizing distribution to minimum number of castles needed to win, while avoiding expense of castle 10. " 872,0,0,1,1,2,3,6,12,25,50,Keep cutting my troops in half starting from top to bottom 873,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,26,31,36,Protect the bag 875,0,0,0,7,23,5,4,3,34,24,Beat the top player from last time then designed a strategy to beat that then designed a strategy to beat that 889,1,0,2,15,22,1,2,3,33,21, 890,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,25,50,Forces concentrated on minimum four castles to win 893,0,0,1,1,15,20,20,1,1,41,"The most direct method of achieving a majority while (hopefully) limiting exposure to defeat by fielding more men along my prescribed victory path than does the opposition. No backup plan, no reserves. When in doubt, attack. " 894,0,0,0,0,18,22,22,33,0,5,Give up 5 castles expecting to split points on some of them. Maybe get a cheeky 10 against similar strategies. 896,0,0,0,0,19,23,0,27,31,0,"Go all-in on 4 castles that give just enough points to win (28), ceding the other 27 points’ worth. Stack a few more troops on the high value castles just because." 898,0,0,1,2,21,14,3,33,4,22,"I ran a monte carlo with all the previous troop deployments, plus a bunch of variations on the previous successful strategy, and it popped out this trimodal distribution. Basically, I optimized a trimodal distribution to beat optimized bimodal deployments. " 899,0,0,0,0,3,11,21,21,22,22,Nothing complicated - just based on past winners and seems like an even mix across the top castles may work. 910,0,0,0,4,4,10,17,28,32,5,"The additional deployment scheme was won with emphasis on castles 7 and 8 .. and in the reprise (second) simulation, the winning submission emphasized Castle #9 and #10. By putting 0 soldiers in Castle #1, 2 and 3, I am going to concentrate my forces in Castles #6 - #9 with just putting enough soldiers in Castle #10 to avoid giving it away cheaply. In addition, I am putting 4 soldiers each in Castles #4 and #5 as a way to score a few ""cheap"" points against people who concentrate almost exclusively in Castles #6 - 10." 917,23,0,2,1,1,1,1,23,24,24,"I placed at least 1 troop to every castle except for 2. I assume that my enemy sends at least 1 troop to every castle and therefore will give me the best chance to win 3. Next I assume the point of the game is to get 28 as there a total of 55 points. By dividing up all other amounts amongst the quickest way to make 28, (10+9+8+1) I have given myself the best chance to win those numbers." 925,0,0,0,20,20,20,20,20,0,0,Why not? 926,0,0,0,0,10,12,15,18,21,24,Started proportionally and then let go of the lesser castles 927,0,0,12,1,1,23,3,3,33,24,Used a genetic algorithm (the same as last competition) to explore distributions that would be good against the second round distributions and the first and second round distributions combined. Then used the same algorithm to optimize against *those* and the first and second round distributions simultaneously. 938,0,0,0,5,10,10,15,30,20,10,Just giving away the low point castles and loading up on the 8 and 9 but hoping to eke some wins out of the 10 and 7 945,0,0,2,3,20,20,20,2,2,31,"Castles 8 and 9 received a lot of attention in the previous two iterations, respectively, because of various assumptions about the other players. We’ll see if this will work, but 10/7/6/5 are enough to win, and I’m gambling on any deployment that beats one of those splitting other castles with me." 946,0,0,0,0,6,5,11,18,28,32,Top Heavy 947,0,0,2,2,5,5,29,1,1,55,winning #10 cancels out the first 4 if lost. then 567 > 89 so put more there. 951,0,0,4,5,17,16,25,0,0,33, 952,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,30,50,Seemed smart 964,0,0,8,11,15,18,22,0,26,0,It looked about right. 966,0,0,0,11,0,0,27,31,31,0,"No point putting a small number of soldiers in a castle as you get no points for a loss. 9+8+7+4=28 is just over half the maximum (55). I think a bunch of people will go all in on 10, 9, 8, 1 with a 30,30,30,10 spread and this will beat that. Similarly, this beats a 25-25-25-25 spread on 10,9,8,7 and the 10 on all castles approach. Finally by ignoring castle 10, we also beat the strategies that put alot on castle 10 and spread a little to everything else which I think might be common." 967,0,0,0,6,12,18,26,32,3,3, 973,0,0,5,15,20,5,0,0,25,30,God told me. 978,0,0,2,3,10,15,17,17,18,18,"Because in the last battle the most successful warlords targeted the middle and top numbered castles with an overwhelming number of troops, I wanted to spread my points more evenly across castles with a value of five or higher (because even if you conquer the lower castles you still lose). This general strategy might be susceptible to players who cluster their soldiers at the top, but I am hoping to split the difference and more evenly spread my troops in the hope that when the smoke clears I can - to paraphrase Varys from Game of Thrones - be king of the ashes." 981,0,0,0,0,0,25,25,25,25,0, 982,0,0,2,3,12,15,18,11,5,34,28 to win. Win 10. Win any 3 of 5-8. 991,0,0,10,0,22,0,0,0,34,34,I only need 28 points to win and castles 9&10 seemed undervalued by the average player. I’ve gone all in on four castles. 1002,0,0,0,18,18,8,5,5,35,11, 1004,0,0,0,0,10,15,20,25,30,0,sacrificed top and bottom 1006,0,0,0,0,0,40,60,0,0,0,Want to overwhelm the squishy undervalued middle with enough troops to fend off anyone who doesn't just flood one of the two castles. Pin the rest on luck and the fog of war. 1010,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,20,30,40, 1011,0,0,0,15,2,3,21,25,30,4,Figured this setup would get me the 28+ points I need against most other folks' deployments. 1014,0,0,2,14,15,5,5,5,34,20,"I assumed that most people would choose a strategy from one of the top performers from the last time we ran this competition. I started my “strategy bank” with the top three performers from last time. Then, my process was to move a single soldier from one castle to another for each strategy, store this as a new strategy in the “strategy bank”, play each strategy against the others, and keep the top 2% performing strategies as the seed for the next generation of strategies. I coded this in Matlab. After 5 generations, the top strategy I got was [0 0 2 14 15 5 5 5 34 20]." 1015,0,0,2,2,17,18,27,3,4,27,Hold strong on 10+7+6+5. If I don't win one of these distribute enough to hopefully get lucky on one or two other castles. This strategy has better than 75% win percentage against previous rounds and beats 8 of the 10 top 5 competitors in the previous two battles. 1016,0,0,8,0,3,0,31,9,9,40,"Noticing that in both prior rounds people have hammered the middle numbers or the top numbers, but not both, I wanted an allocation that would win outright at one of those values (31 on 7, 40 on 10) while also winning whichever of 8 or 9 opponents leave under-defended, and winning enough lower-hanging points to get to magic number 28." 1019,0,0,0,0,0,6,16,21,26,31, 1027,0,0,0,0,0,10,20,30,40,0,"Most people will try locking in 10, I'd rather let them spend their points since 9 is almost equal. Further it allows me to hit a few more relatively high value targets further down" 1030,0,0,1,15,1,1,26,26,30,0,I just tried to ensure I had 28 points and didn't want to invest in 10 or 1/2 1031,0,0,2,2,22,4,22,22,4,22, 1035,0,0,0,3,0,22,23,24,25,3, 1042,0,0,0,5,5,15,15,15,20,25,Random 1043,0,0,0,5,5,15,15,15,20,25,Random 1045,0,0,2,16,21,3,2,2,32,22,Best of last two plus some ai 1048,0,0,5,18,20,1,25,26,3,2,"focus mainly on the the middle castes, sacraficing castles to increase distribution to castles 8,9" 1051,0,0,3,0,0,14,14,5,33,31,"I tried to come up with a troop arrangement that would outscore the top five deployments (averaged out) and the top deployments from the previous rounds. It was mostly a matter of trial-and-error. And I didn't quite succeed in my goal (my deployment beats the ""average"" 36-19 and the second round winner 43.5-11.5, but loses to the first round winner 25-30). But I feel good about my choices of castles to attack with strength (9, 10) and about my decision to emphasize attacking castles 6 and 7 at the expense of castles 4 and 5. I am a little bit uneasy about my decision to make only a modest 5-troop deployment to castle 8 as there may be a rush by others to scoop up those points this round. But I think the decision to abandon castles 1 and 2 in favor of a token 3-troop deployment to castle 3 is sensible. " 1054,0,0,0,5,4,5,24,5,30,27,"Winning the first few castles is essentially meaningless, so any significant troops sent there are wasted, even as a blocking action. Beyond that point, it's a matter of trying to strike a balance with remaining troops between attacking in force, and defending against small raids. There seems to be a consistent trend in the previous battles to focus most troops on Castle 8, so that seems to be the best place to not fight too hard over, in order to preserve sufficient troops to win other battles instead." 1057,0,0,2,16,21,3,2,3,32,21,variation on a theme 1063,0,0,0,0,8,2,25,30,35,0, 1064,0,0,0,15,15,0,0,0,35,35,We go all in on the minimum value to win. 1068,0,0,0,15,18,1,1,1,32,32,better than Derek 1071,0,0,0,15,21,0,0,0,36,28,Better than Mike 1080,4,0,9,5,1,18,1,33,3,26,Attempted optimization against both of the previous two rounds. 1097,0,0,4,16,21,2,4,5,32,16,variation on a theme 1098,0,0,10,0,0,26,0,0,28,36,"No time = no thought = no analysis = no strategy. Anyone defeated by this should have a long walk accompanied by a bell and ""Shame! Shame! Shame!""" 1107,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,33,34,I'm trying to get the majority of available points with the fewest castles. 1116,0,0,1,6,11,18,28,5,0,31,"I tried to use Ken Nickerson's strategy from the first battle but with a focus on two castles that were differently successful in the first two battles. In the first one, 7&8 were the main targets by the top 5. In the next one, 9 and 10 became the big numbers to target. I need 28 points to win the battle. My goal is to take 5, 7, 6, and 10 in most matches. I get all four of those and I win. If I don't, well, hopefully I can steal the 8 (or the 4) and use dumb luck to conquer smarts. " 1117,0,0,0,0,0,17,18,18,29,18,55 points available. Give up the first 15 points and focus all the efforts on gaining by going above the average for each of the remaining castles. I went heavy on 9 assuming that most others would have the same thought process and skew towards the higher values except 10. 1122,0,0,11,12,14,4,24,4,27,4,"I'm sending 4 to castles 6, 8, and 10 to try to beat anyone who sends only a few there. I then focus on winning castles 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 to get my 28 points." 1130,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,23,27,30,"Determine the maximum number of castles that can be abandoned while still achieving net victory assuming individual victories at the remaining castles. sum(i, i = 1 .. 10) = 55, sum(i, i = 7 .. 10) = 34, sum(i, i = 1 .. 6) = 21. 34-21 = 13, therefore only castles 7-10 need to be won. Soldiers were distributed approximately proportionally to the point value of the castle, but preferentially rounding down for lower value castles and up for higher values." 1133,0,0,2,5,17,5,17,17,33,4,I want to win a number of castles. I tried to adjust for the adjustments people would make when comparing the two previous winners. 1137,0,0,0,14,21,1,0,1,33,30,"This combo won 100 simulation rounds in a row using randomized, previous champs, and tweaks of previous round winners." 1139,0,0,4,17,21,2,4,5,32,15,evolutionary ai found a better solution 1141,0,0,8,0,13,4,6,5,36,28,"Similar to last time's champion, optimised against first and second submissions and solutions optimised against them with more weighting given to the latter." 1143,0,0,17,1,1,16,3,3,29,30,"Last time, the top players fully settled on a 10-9-5-4 strategy. I think this time around, players are going to actually contest the 10 and 9 castles correctly - the fact that 7 and 8 have had more troops than 10 and 9 is just wrong & the meta has to trend away from that - but it may not quite get there. This 10-9-6-3 goes for the same number of points, and should beat a fair number of other approaches (e.g., 9874) while being pretty good against the classic 10-9-5-4 just because 29/30 is on the high end for 10 and 9." 1145,0,0,0,17,19,20,21,23,0,0,Capture the middle 1147,0,0,0,10,15,16,17,18,24,0,Best balance of middle points 1157,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,30,50,0,Random Hunch 1160,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,30,30,Adds up to 28 1163,5,0,1,10,9,12,5,0,18,40,"I ran a program that simulated a thousand rounds of battles with 20,000 participants and made random updates to each strategy after each round based on how well the players performed on the previous round. This was the winner of the last round." 1165,0,0,0,15,20,20,20,25,0,0,Figuring the enemy would over commit to the larger value castles. 1176,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"I'm a warlord, yes, but all I really care about is myself. . . and I want a castle! If anyone stands in my way they will be sorry." 1179,0,0,0,12,0,0,18,30,40,0,28 is the minimum number of points to win. I sent the least number to castle 4 because I anticipated that it would not need to be taken with higher numbers in most scenarios. 1182,0,0,7,3,5,2,16,17,28,22,hope 1184,0,0,0,10,10,12,14,16,18,20,"I am anticipating others wasting troops on the low value targets, which I will abandon. I assigned troops to each other site based on their value alone, anticipating the others at this point would overthink and leave the high value targets undefended(but in an unpredictable way)" 1187,0,0,3,1,12,17,2,31,2,32,"Well, the first time the winners targeted 7 and 8, and the second time the winners targeted 9 and 10. So I'm going to target 8 and 10 - as long as I win those and break even on 1 through 6, I should beat the copy cats from last time, and anyone who hopes to beat the copycats by one-upping them on key castles. In order to break even or better on 1 through 6, I'm targeting 5 and 6. After that, I've got 8 armies left to split among the remaining castles, in case I lose some of the others. I ignore 1 and 2, which aren't worth much, in favor of taking advantage of those who leave some higher-value castles empty or close to empty. I also made sure that my solution beats most typical solutions (i.e. even splits, or assigning armies proportional to value), as well as most of the winner's solutions (although admittedly Jim Skloda's submission from the first time counters mine pretty perfectly). I also think it's worth going for numbers that are 1 or 2 mod 5, since many people will submit nice round numbers, as proven by the winning submissions from the previous contests." 1195,0,0,1,1,22,24,1,4,25,22,"I wrote a half-baked genetic algorithm that evaluated strategies against random strategies, entries from the previous contests, and the top strategies from the previous generation, and then chose the strategy that most often received the highest fitness of its generation." 1196,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,37,28,To win just over 50% of the points with the least number of castles by deploying enough troops to four castles to win 28/55 points and abandoning the other six 1200,0,0,0,5,12,16,18,24,25,0,The top one and bottom 3 are simply not worth the manpower. 1204,0,0,11,11,1,20,22,34,1,0,"Trying to win the lowest number of castles that reach 28 points, with maximum force at higher numbered castles where more enemy attacks can be expected. We hope to take away castle 8 from anyone who is focusing on the top castles, and win some cheaply. " 1205,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,20,30,40,"Higher value=more soldiers, keep it simple" 1213,0,0,0,2,20,18,2,24,32,2,"Since the previous contest winners all focused on a group of castles totalling 28 points, I somewhat randomly chose 5, 6, 8, 9 and put 3 troops per point value in each of these. That left me 16 troops. I decided to minimally defend castle 4, 7, and 10 with two troops each and then reinforced two of my targeted castles with five more troops each. " 1218,0,0,10,0,0,0,10,20,25,35,"The focus is on on reducing the battlefield down to enough castles to get 28 victory points, and then identifying the set of castles that make up 28 points that past players have shown the least interest in competing for." 1222,0,0,0,1,17,23,28,3,4,24,"Castle 8 and 9 are highly contested, so you have to put in a lot of troops to gain a high probability of winning them. However, if your strategy is 9-10 heavy, 8 is weak for you and I might win or tie with a few there; if your strategy is more focused on 8-10 or lower values, I might snag a tie or win with a couple troops in 9. Overall, the winning strategy is 5-6-7-10. If I lose 10, I hope to win 8 or 9, and tie or win a few of the lower ones. I will definitely lose games, but the hope is that I can win against a bunch of strategies. For instance, this beats about half of last years' winners." 1223,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,31,33,33,all or nothing 1233,0,0,0,16,21,1,2,1,35,24,"Optimised against top fives from both runs and median from the first. Depends on snatching the top two bolstered by four and five, these four wins would total a bare minimum of 28 of 55 points. Sometimes snatches the 6–8. If most strengthened the top prizes a bit, yeah, I'm screwed. Didn't want to do a deep dive into the complete data." 1237,0,0,0,10,10,25,25,15,10,5,Because the middle will be ignored 1238,3,0,6,8,15,22,4,3,31,8,a computer told me to 1240,5,0,0,12,0,13,0,30,35,5,Trying to secure a baseline of 17 and steal either 10 or 7+3 as well as the first castle 1241,0,0,3,5,11,13,21,22,14,11,"Kind of a guess, really" 1250,0,0,13,13,14,14,12,12,11,11,"I'm figuring that most people will concentrate there forces mostly in the first few castles and somewhat in the last few. With this strategy I think i'll have a strong troop advantage in the middle castles and a weaker troop advantage in the end while only completely ceding the first 2 castles. Even if someone uses a similar strategy with a single troop in the first 2 castles, I'll still have a competitive advantage in at least one castle without sacrificing a more dominant position in the middle and end." 1251,0,0,0,0,0,14,14,14,33,25,"Looking at previous results the middle became the highest value for least deployments. BUt I wanted to be able to take the the 10 and 9 as well. so I loaded the top end and placed enough in the middle that might get me to 28 points. I am willing to cede 15 points to the opponent" 1259,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,12,12,64,focused highly on the highest valued castles 1266,4,0,5,0,2,2,18,30,20,19,Developed a troop deployment that beat 1386 out of 1387 of the castle-solutions.csv from two years ago. 1269,0,0,11,14,0,21,25,29,0,0,"I’ve narrowed down the gameplay to around 14 possibly optimal plays. This is one of them. There are 33 possible exactly 28points to win strategies. This one is 8-7-6-4-3. Allocated by relative castle value. Castle/28*100. Here’s the list of 9, allocate by taking castle/28*100: 10-9-6-3 10-9-5-4 10-8-7-3 10-8-6-4 10-7-6-5 9-8-7-4 9-8-6-5 10-6-5-4-3 8-7-6-4-3 The other 5 are semi suboptimal vs the 9 but forms the “rock,paper,scissor”: ExpectedValue: castle/55*100 EvenAcross: 10/castle Ultimate: castle/28*100+1 for castle 8,9,10 Lucky7: castle/28*100 for castles 1 to 7 Troll: 47,53 on castle 9 and 10 respectively. At least one of these strategies will do well depending on the market. And the market will shift around these strategies depending on the amount of trolldom. " 1291,2,0,5,10,0,0,24,24,35,0,"Trying to focus on getting 28 victory points while sacrificing the ""10"" assuming most people will want the big win." 1295,1,0,0,26,1,1,26,26,17,2,"The simplest win is on 10/9/8/1. Two problems: it's already popular, and weak players over-defend Castle 10. I'll try to win on 9, 8, 7, and 4 instead." 1318,0,0,0,18,18,2,2,2,34,24,This strategy beat the previous top-5. 1320,0,0,3,3,16,6,16,21,4,31,"I know this is really late, but here is a serious entry. The code used to generate this is at" 1321,1,0,0,0,0,0,10,27,29,33,"My focus was on getting 28 total victory points out of a possible 55, so I concentrated on 8, 9, 10, and winning 1 extra point on the ""1"" castle."