avengers/avengers: 52
Data license: CC Attribution 4.0 License · Data source: fivethirtyeight/data on GitHub · About: simonw/fivethirtyeight-datasette
rowid | URL | Name/Alias | Appearances | Current? | Gender | Probationary Introl | Full/Reserve Avengers Intro | Year | Years since joining | Honorary | Death1 | Return1 | Death2 | Return2 | Death3 | Return3 | Death4 | Return4 | Death5 | Return5 | Notes |
52 | http://marvel.wikia.com/Anthony_Druid_(Earth-616)# | Anthony Ludgate Druid | 158 | NO | MALE | Apr-87 | 1987 | 28 | Honorary | YES | YES | YES | YES | Shot with a Breathing gun and corpse dumped in trash. Revived by the Grim Reaper. Helped Avengers defeat the Reaper so his spirit could remain at peace. Later completely revived by the Chaos King. |