impeachment-polls/impeachment_polls: 96
Data source:
rowid | Start | End | Pollster | Sponsor | SampleSize | Pop | tracking | Text | Category | Include? | Yes | No | Unsure | Rep Sample | Rep Yes | Rep No | Dem Sample | Dem Yes | Dem No | Ind Sample | Ind Yes | Ind No | URL | Notes |
96 | 9/25/2019 | 9/26/2019 | SurveyMonkey Audience | Business Insider | 1078 | a | Impeachment is the first step in the process of removing a president from office. Do you think the House of Representatives should impeach President Trump? | impeach | yes | 45.0 | 30.0 | 25.0 | 335 | 15.0 | 64.0 | 448 | 73.0 | 9.0 | |