{"rowid": 430, "Pollster": "Jayhawk Consulting", "Pollster Rating ID": 157, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Landline", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 26.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.6, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +3.4", "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 37.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 32.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 26.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 2.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +37.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +3.4", "House Effect": "D +10.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 429, "Pollster": "Nielson Brothers Polling", "Pollster Rating ID": 231, "# of Polls": 9, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.1, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +3.2", "Races Called Correctly": "89%", "Misses Outside MOE": "67%", "Simple Average Error": 12.2, "Simple Expected Error": 5.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 7.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 2.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 9, "Bias": "D +12.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +3.2", "House Effect": "D +9.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 8.2, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 428, "Pollster": "TCJ Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 327, "# of Polls": 133, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "yes", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.0, "538 Grade": "F", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +4.5", "Races Called Correctly": "59%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 6.4, "Simple Expected Error": 4.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 2.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 3.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 125, "Bias": "R +5.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +4.5", "House Effect": "R +3.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 427, "Pollster": "SurveyMonkey", "Pollster Rating ID": 324, "# of Polls": 206, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.6, "538 Grade": "D-", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +5.1", "Races Called Correctly": "84%", "Misses Outside MOE": "54%", "Simple Average Error": 7.2, "Simple Expected Error": 4.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 2.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 193, "Bias": "D +5.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +5.1", "House Effect": "D +3.2", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 426, "Pollster": "Saint Leo University", "Pollster Rating ID": 299, "# of Polls": 6, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.6, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +2.0", "Races Called Correctly": "33%", "Misses Outside MOE": "67%", "Simple Average Error": 8.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 6, "Bias": "D +8.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +2.0", "House Effect": "D +6.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 8.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 425, "Pollster": "Fort Hays State University", "Pollster Rating ID": 101, "# of Polls": 6, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 9.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.7", "Races Called Correctly": "67%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 22.1, "Simple Expected Error": 8.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 13.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 9.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 2.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +18.8", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.7", "House Effect": "R +27.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 28.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 424, "Pollster": "Brigham Young University", "Pollster Rating ID": 34, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 8.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +2.4", "Races Called Correctly": "75%", "Misses Outside MOE": "75%", "Simple Average Error": 16.5, "Simple Expected Error": 8.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 8.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 8.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +16.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +2.4", "House Effect": "D +16.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 423, "Pollster": "CPEC LLC", "Pollster Rating ID": 38, "# of Polls": 3, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.1, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 16.2, "Simple Expected Error": 8.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": 8.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 11.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 422, "Pollster": "Dane & Associates", "Pollster Rating ID": 71, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 15.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.1, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.1", "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 21.2, "Simple Expected Error": 3.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 17.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 15.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +21.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.1", "House Effect": "R +10.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.79} {"rowid": 421, "Pollster": "TP Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 452, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.6", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 15.6, "Simple Expected Error": 6.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": 9.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 7.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +15.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.6", "House Effect": "R +8.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 7.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.37} {"rowid": 420, "Pollster": "Carroll Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 450, "# of Polls": 5, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +2.1", "Races Called Correctly": "80%", "Misses Outside MOE": "60%", "Simple Average Error": 9.9, "Simple Expected Error": 5.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 4.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 5, "Bias": "R +9.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +2.1", "House Effect": "R +1.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.92} {"rowid": 419, "Pollster": "Mitchell Research & Communications", "Pollster Rating ID": 213, "# of Polls": 62, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR/Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "538 Grade": "D", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.8", "Races Called Correctly": "63%", "Misses Outside MOE": "42%", "Simple Average Error": 7.4, "Simple Expected Error": 5.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 2.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 40, "Bias": "D +1.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.8", "House Effect": "R +0.4", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 418, "Pollster": "Baydoun Consulting", "Pollster Rating ID": 25, "# of Polls": 6, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.1", "Races Called Correctly": "83%", "Misses Outside MOE": "67%", "Simple Average Error": 6.8, "Simple Expected Error": 5.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "R +8.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.1", "House Effect": "R +6.6", "Average Distance from 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"Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.6", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "33%", "Simple Average Error": 4.9, "Simple Expected Error": 2.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 3, "Bias": "R +4.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.6", "House Effect": "R +3.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 415, "Pollster": "Opinion Research Associates", "Pollster Rating ID": 242, "# of Polls": 14, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 5.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +2.3", "Races Called Correctly": "61%", "Misses Outside MOE": "43%", "Simple Average Error": 9.4, "Simple Expected Error": 6.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 5.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.8, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 14, "Bias": "D +7.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +2.3", "House Effect": "D +6.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 8.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 414, "Pollster": "Humphrey Institute", "Pollster Rating ID": 143, "# of Polls": 10, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes*", "Methodology": "Live*", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.7, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.6", "Races Called Correctly": "40%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 13.1, "Simple Expected Error": 6.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": 7.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.7, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 8, "Bias": "D +3.8", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.6", "House Effect": "D +3.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 413, "Pollster": "Saguaro Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 298, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.4", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 5.0, "Simple Expected Error": 2.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +5.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.4", "House Effect": "D +4.1", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.24} {"rowid": 412, "Pollster": "Indiana University-Purdue University Fort 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Grade": "D+", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "92%", "Misses Outside MOE": "38%", "Simple Average Error": 5.3, "Simple Expected Error": 3.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 24, "Bias": "R +0.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.1", "House Effect": "R +0.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 410, "Pollster": "Baldwin Wallace University", "Pollster Rating ID": 401, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.8", "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 8.3, "Simple Expected Error": 4.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +8.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.8", "House Effect": "D +3.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 409, "Pollster": "ccAdvertising", "Pollster Rating ID": 396, "# of Polls": 30, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +2.5", "Races Called Correctly": "88%", "Misses Outside MOE": "70%", "Simple Average Error": 7.1, "Simple Expected Error": 4.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.6, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 30, "Bias": "R +5.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +2.5", "House Effect": "R +3.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 408, "Pollster": "Spry Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 508, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 10.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 14.6, "Simple Expected Error": 4.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 10.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 10.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 19.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 407, "Pollster": "GaPundit.com", "Pollster Rating ID": 111, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.6", "Races Called Correctly": "25%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 8.3, "Simple Expected Error": 4.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +8.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.6", "House Effect": "D +3.1", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 406, "Pollster": "Glascock Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 116, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 12.1, "Simple Expected Error": 4.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 7.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +12.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.5", "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 405, "Pollster": "Strategy Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 322, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 5.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.4", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 8.6, "Simple Expected Error": 3.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 5.6, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 5.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +8.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.4", "House Effect": "R +4.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.8, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 404, "Pollster": "Slingshot Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 451, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR/Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 9.3, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +9.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.5", "House Effect": "D +9.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 9.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 403, "Pollster": "GCR & Associates", "Pollster Rating ID": 110, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 18.3, "Simple Expected Error": 7.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 10.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 6.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 402, "Pollster": "Optimus", "Pollster Rating ID": 245, "# of Polls": 15, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Online/Live/Text", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.3", "Races Called Correctly": "87%", "Misses Outside MOE": "67%", "Simple Average Error": 7.2, "Simple Expected Error": 4.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 13, "Bias": "R +3.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.3", "House Effect": "R +2.1", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 401, "Pollster": "Merriman River Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 207, "# of Polls": 21, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +2.3", "Races Called Correctly": "81%", "Misses Outside MOE": "57%", "Simple Average Error": 7.7, "Simple Expected Error": 5.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.5, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 20, "Bias": "R +5.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +2.3", "House Effect": "R +3.2", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 8.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 400, "Pollster": "Zata3", "Pollster Rating ID": 392, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 10.2, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 4.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +4.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "D +0.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 399, "Pollster": "New Frontier Strategy", "Pollster Rating ID": 229, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 21.6, "Simple Expected Error": 7.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": 14.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 398, "Pollster": "ResearchNow", "Pollster Rating ID": 283, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 9.4, "Simple Expected Error": 8.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 1.0, "Herding Penalty": 1.6} {"rowid": 397, "Pollster": "Great Lakes Strategies Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 125, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 7.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +7.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "R +10.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 10.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 396, "Pollster": "Targoz Market Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 454, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.8", "Races Called Correctly": "88%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 6.8, "Simple Expected Error": 6.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +4.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.8", "House Effect": "D +0.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 395, "Pollster": "Datamar", "Pollster Rating ID": 75, "# of Polls": 8, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "69%", "Misses Outside MOE": "38%", "Simple Average Error": 6.3, "Simple Expected Error": 5.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.6, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 5, "Bias": "R +2.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.3", "House Effect": "R +3.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 394, "Pollster": "MarblePort", "Pollster Rating ID": 182, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 5.6, "Simple Expected Error": 4.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.6, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +5.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.5", "House Effect": "R +7.2", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 393, "Pollster": "McLaughlin & Associates", "Pollster Rating ID": 203, "# of Polls": 23, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.6", "Races Called Correctly": "78%", "Misses Outside MOE": "35%", "Simple Average Error": 6.0, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 23, "Bias": "R +1.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.6", "House Effect": "R +4.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.13} {"rowid": 392, "Pollster": "TeleResearch Corporation", "Pollster Rating ID": 335, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 8.6, "Simple Expected Error": 7.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 11.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 391, "Pollster": "RAND (American Life Panel)", "Pollster Rating ID": 270, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "25%", "Simple Average Error": 2.7, "Simple Expected Error": 2.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +1.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.2", "House Effect": "D +3.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 390, "Pollster": "Remington Research Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 279, "# of Polls": 38, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C-", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.2", "Races Called Correctly": "68%", "Misses Outside MOE": "37%", "Simple Average Error": 5.0, "Simple Expected Error": 3.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.6, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 37, "Bias": "D +1.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.2", "House Effect": "R +1.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 389, "Pollster": "co/efficient", "Pollster Rating ID": 514, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR/Text", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 3.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.4, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +3.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.2", "House Effect": "R +0.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.0, "Herding Penalty": 1.04} {"rowid": 388, "Pollster": "CrossTarget", "Pollster Rating ID": 66, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 7.7, "Simple Expected Error": 4.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +7.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.5", "House Effect": "R +13.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 15.8, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 387, "Pollster": "Iona College", "Pollster Rating ID": 152, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 4.4, "Simple Expected Error": 5.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +4.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "R +1.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 1.5, "Herding Penalty": 2.26} {"rowid": 386, "Pollster": "Liberty Opinion Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 169, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 5.7, "Simple Expected Error": 6.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": -1.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.6, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.51} {"rowid": 385, "Pollster": "BWD Global", "Pollster Rating ID": 527, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 4.4, "Simple Expected Error": 4.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +4.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "R +5.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 384, "Pollster": "Trafalgar Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 338, "# of Polls": 44, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C-", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.9", "Races Called Correctly": "77%", "Misses Outside MOE": "48%", "Simple Average Error": 5.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 31, "Bias": "R +1.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.9", "House Effect": "R +2.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 383, "Pollster": "TargetPoint", "Pollster Rating ID": 331, "# of Polls": 3, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "83%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 14.0, "Simple Expected Error": 7.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 6.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 382, "Pollster": "People's Pundit Daily", "Pollster Rating ID": 251, "# of Polls": 3, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "yes", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "F", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.4", "Races Called Correctly": "33%", "Misses Outside MOE": "33%", "Simple Average Error": 3.0, "Simple Expected Error": 2.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 3, "Bias": "R +3.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.4", "House Effect": "R +4.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 7.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 381, "Pollster": "Critical Insights", "Pollster Rating ID": 64, "# of Polls": 17, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "88%", "Misses Outside MOE": "41%", "Simple Average Error": 8.6, "Simple Expected Error": 6.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 15, "Bias": "D +0.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.3", "House Effect": "R +1.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 11.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 380, "Pollster": "Singularis Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 306, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 0.8, "Simple Expected Error": 4.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +0.8", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.0", "House Effect": "D +2.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.0, "Herding Penalty": 2.38} {"rowid": 379, "Pollster": "Rossman Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 294, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "C/D\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 4.2, "Simple Expected Error": 6.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": -2.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +4.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "D +4.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 378, "Pollster": "Triumph Campaigns", "Pollster Rating ID": 339, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 4.2, "Simple Expected Error": 4.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +4.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "R +5.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 377, "Pollster": "We Ask America", "Pollster Rating ID": 376, "# 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"Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 2.0, "Simple Expected Error": 4.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": -1.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +2.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.0", "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 375, "Pollster": "Maine People's Resource Center", "Pollster Rating ID": 180, "# of Polls": 8, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR/Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.4", "Races Called Correctly": "88%", "Misses Outside MOE": "38%", "Simple Average Error": 7.0, "Simple Expected Error": 5.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.3, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 7, "Bias": "D +1.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.4", "House Effect": "R +2.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 374, "Pollster": "Diamond State Consulting Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 78, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 4.2, "Simple Expected Error": 4.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.6, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +4.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.2", "House Effect": "R +5.0", "Average Distance from Polling 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538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 6.7, "Simple Expected Error": 7.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +6.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "R +11.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 371, "Pollster": "Cranford & Associates", "Pollster Rating ID": 62, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 2.5, "Simple Expected Error": 5.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +2.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "D +9.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 370, "Pollster": "University of California, Berkeley", "Pollster Rating ID": 457, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -0.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 5.9, "Simple Expected Error": 4.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -0.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +5.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.3", "House Effect": "D +2.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 369, "Pollster": "AFL-CIO", "Pollster Rating ID": 526, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 1.2, "Simple Expected Error": 4.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +1.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.0", "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 368, "Pollster": "Revily", "Pollster Rating ID": 284, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 0.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": -4.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +0.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.0", "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.0, "Herding Penalty": 1.58} {"rowid": 367, "Pollster": "Roanoke College", "Pollster Rating ID": 292, "# of Polls": 15, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "yes", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "77%", "Misses Outside MOE": "60%", "Simple Average Error": 8.9, "Simple Expected Error": 5.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 1.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 12, "Bias": "D +1.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.5", "House Effect": "D +1.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 366, "Pollster": "Purple Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 265, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.4", "Races Called Correctly": "88%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 3.0, "Simple Expected Error": 4.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": -1.6, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "R +3.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.4", "House Effect": "R +0.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.0, "Herding Penalty": 1.32} {"rowid": 365, "Pollster": "Constituent Dynamics", "Pollster Rating ID": 58, "# of Polls": 7, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "86%", "Misses Outside MOE": "57%", "Simple Average Error": 7.4, "Simple Expected Error": 7.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +1.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.0", "House Effect": "D +2.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 10.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 364, "Pollster": "Craciun Research Group", "Pollster Rating ID": 61, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 16.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.9", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 18.7, "Simple Expected Error": 6.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 12.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 16.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +18.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.9", "House Effect": "D +11.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 363, "Pollster": "Pacific Market Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 459, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.7", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 7.5, "Simple Expected Error": 6.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -0.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +7.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.7", "House Effect": "R +0.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 362, "Pollster": "Riggs Research Services", "Pollster Rating ID": 289, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes*", "Methodology": "Live*", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 25.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.0", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 33.7, "Simple Expected Error": 5.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 28.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 25.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +33.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.0", "House Effect": "D +29.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 29.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 361, "Pollster": "RABA Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 269, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 5.3, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +6.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.3", "House Effect": "D +2.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.57} {"rowid": 360, "Pollster": "CSP Polling", "Pollster Rating ID": 39, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "yes", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "F", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 2.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "D +2.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "R +2.6", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.8} {"rowid": 359, "Pollster": "Victory Enterprises", "Pollster Rating ID": 525, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 9.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.6", "Races Called Correctly": "0%", "Misses Outside MOE": "100%", "Simple Average Error": 17.3, "Simple Expected Error": 6.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 10.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 9.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 1, "Bias": "R +17.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.6", "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 358, "Pollster": "Data for Progress", "Pollster Rating ID": 522, "# of Polls": 1, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Text", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 2.8, "Simple Expected Error": 3.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 357, "Pollster": "Forward Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 102, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 1.3, "Simple Expected Error": 5.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.7, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +1.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "D +3.4", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.4, "Herding Penalty": 1.1} {"rowid": 356, "Pollster": "USC Dornsife/LA Times", "Pollster Rating ID": 343, "# of Polls": 6, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "yes", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "67%", "Misses Outside MOE": "83%", "Simple Average Error": 5.3, "Simple Expected Error": 3.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 6, "Bias": "D +1.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.3", "House Effect": "D +1.1", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 9.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 355, "Pollster": "The Polling Company Inc.", "Pollster Rating ID": 337, "# of Polls": 7, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.2", "Races Called Correctly": "71%", "Misses Outside MOE": "57%", "Simple Average Error": 6.2, "Simple Expected Error": 5.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 7, "Bias": "R +4.8", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.2", "House Effect": "R +3.5", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 354, "Pollster": "Probolsky Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 259, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.8", "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 9.1, "Simple Expected Error": 5.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": 4.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.7, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.2, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +9.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.8", "House Effect": "R +5.6", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 353, "Pollster": "BK Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 20, "# of Polls": 3, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.5", "Races Called Correctly": "67%", "Misses Outside MOE": "33%", "Simple Average Error": 3.8, "Simple Expected Error": 3.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -1.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 3, "Bias": "D +3.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.5", "House Effect": "R +2.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.59} {"rowid": 352, "Pollster": "Target Insyght", "Pollster Rating ID": 330, "# of Polls": 5, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.7", "Races Called Correctly": "70%", "Misses Outside MOE": "20%", "Simple Average Error": 7.6, "Simple Expected Error": 6.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "R +3.9", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.7", "House Effect": "R +3.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.5, "Herding Penalty": 0.15} {"rowid": 351, "Pollster": "M4 Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 177, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -4.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 3.1, "Simple Expected Error": 3.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -4.4, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +3.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.2", "House Effect": "D +4.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 350, "Pollster": "Marketing Resource Group (MRG)", "Pollster Rating ID": 193, "# of Polls": 9, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "33%", "Misses Outside MOE": "78%", "Simple Average Error": 10.4, "Simple Expected Error": 7.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 5, "Bias": "D +1.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.2", "House Effect": "D +2.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.66} {"rowid": 349, "Pollster": "OnPoint", "Pollster Rating ID": 240, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 1.7, "Simple Expected Error": 5.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +1.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "D +2.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.79} {"rowid": 348, "Pollster": "Columbus Dispatch", "Pollster Rating ID": 57, "# of Polls": 20, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Mail", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.3", "Races Called Correctly": "93%", "Misses Outside MOE": "45%", "Simple Average Error": 4.9, "Simple Expected Error": 4.3, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 17, "Bias": "D +3.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.3", "House Effect": "D +3.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 347, "Pollster": "Ogden & Fry", "Pollster Rating ID": 425, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -5.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.0", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 0.7, "Simple Expected Error": 4.4, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.5, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -5.8, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "R +0.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.0", "House Effect": "R +6.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 6.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 346, "Pollster": "Western Kentucky University", "Pollster Rating ID": 379, "# of Polls": 5, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.4", "Races Called Correctly": "80%", "Misses Outside MOE": "80%", "Simple Average Error": 11.1, "Simple Expected Error": 5.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 5.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 3.3, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +9.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.4", "House Effect": "R +0.1", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 2.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.46} {"rowid": 345, "Pollster": "WPA Intelligence (WPAi)", "Pollster Rating ID": 383, "# of Polls": 6, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.0", "Races Called Correctly": "67%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 8.1, "Simple Expected Error": 6.2, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.6, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 6, "Bias": "R +4.4", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.0", "House Effect": "R +8.3", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 11.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 344, "Pollster": "Clout Research/Wenzel Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 55, "# of Polls": 15, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.9", "Races Called Correctly": "53%", "Misses Outside MOE": "40%", "Simple Average Error": 6.7, "Simple Expected Error": 4.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 2.0, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 2.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.8, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 14, "Bias": "R +5.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.9", "House Effect": "R +4.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.3, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 343, "Pollster": "ALG Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 14, "# of Polls": 14, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.5", "Races Called Correctly": "64%", "Misses Outside MOE": "36%", "Simple Average Error": 6.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.9, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 13, "Bias": "D +4.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.5", "House Effect": "D +6.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.2, "Herding Penalty": 0.12} {"rowid": 342, "Pollster": "Master Image", "Pollster Rating ID": 200, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 1.2, "Simple Expected Error": 7.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": -5.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 341, "Pollster": "Strategic National", "Pollster Rating ID": 318, "# of Polls": 2, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -6.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "25%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 0.7, "Simple Expected Error": 5.1, "Simple Plus-Minus": -4.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -6.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 2, "Bias": "D +0.7", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "R +4.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 340, "Pollster": "Hampton University", "Pollster Rating ID": 131, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "yes", "Methodology": "Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.9", "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 7.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 3.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 4.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.7, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.1, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "R +5.8", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.9", "House Effect": "R +6.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.7, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 339, "Pollster": "Dixie Strategies", "Pollster Rating ID": 81, "# of Polls": 11, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +1.3", "Races Called Correctly": "95%", "Misses Outside MOE": "55%", "Simple Average Error": 6.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 1.2, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 8, "Bias": "R +4.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +1.3", "House Effect": "R +3.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 7.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 338, "Pollster": "TargetSmart/William & Mary", "Pollster Rating ID": 332, "# of Polls": 3, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "Online/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.7", "Races Called Correctly": "67%", "Misses Outside MOE": "33%", "Simple Average Error": 5.3, "Simple Expected Error": 4.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.9, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 3, "Bias": "D +5.3", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.7", "House Effect": "D +1.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 4.2, "Herding Penalty": 0.16} {"rowid": 337, "Pollster": "Change Research", "Pollster Rating ID": 48, "# of Polls": 57, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "C", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +1.1", "Races Called Correctly": "78%", "Misses Outside MOE": "33%", "Simple Average Error": 5.5, "Simple Expected Error": 4.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.6, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.4, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 56, "Bias": "D +1.5", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +1.1", "House Effect": "D +1.7", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.9, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 336, "Pollster": "IVR Polls", "Pollster Rating ID": 146, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "IVR", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "25%", "Simple Average Error": 4.1, "Simple Expected Error": 8.0, "Simple Plus-Minus": -3.8, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -2.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 8.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 335, "Pollster": "University of New Orleans", "Pollster Rating ID": 358, "# of Polls": 11, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "partial", "Methodology": "IVR/Live", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.3", "Races Called Correctly": "82%", "Misses Outside MOE": "36%", "Simple Average Error": 6.5, "Simple Expected Error": 5.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.9, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 1.1, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 9, "Bias": "R +1.2", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.3", "House Effect": "D +1.9", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 9.4, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 334, "Pollster": "Alabama State University", "Pollster Rating ID": 8, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Landline", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": null, "Races Called Correctly": "50%", "Misses Outside MOE": "50%", "Simple Average Error": 6.4, "Simple Expected Error": 7.8, "Simple Plus-Minus": -1.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -3.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.3, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 0, "Bias": null, "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": null, "House Effect": null, "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.0, "Herding Penalty": 0.03} {"rowid": 333, "Pollster": "University of Texas", "Pollster Rating ID": 363, "# of Polls": 4, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": -5.0, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.1", "Races Called Correctly": "100%", "Misses Outside MOE": "0%", "Simple Average Error": 1.2, "Simple Expected Error": 5.6, "Simple Plus-Minus": -4.3, "Advanced Plus-Minus": -5.0, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": -0.6, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 4, "Bias": "D +1.1", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.1", "House Effect": "D +2.8", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": null, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 332, "Pollster": "Zogby Interactive/JZ Analytics", "Pollster Rating ID": 395, "# of Polls": 464, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "C", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "R +0.8", "Races Called Correctly": "78%", "Misses Outside MOE": "30%", "Simple Average Error": 5.6, "Simple Expected Error": 5.7, "Simple Plus-Minus": 0.1, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.5, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.5, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 364, "Bias": "R +1.0", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "R +0.8", "House Effect": "D +0.0", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 5.1, "Herding Penalty": 0.0} {"rowid": 331, "Pollster": "Morning Consult", "Pollster Rating ID": 218, "# of Polls": 12, "NCPP / AAPOR / Roper": "no", "Live Caller With Cellphones": "no", "Methodology": "Online", "Banned by 538": "no", "Historical Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "538 Grade": "B/C\u00b0", "Mean-Reverted Bias": "D +0.2", "Races Called Correctly": "75%", "Misses Outside MOE": "25%", "Simple Average Error": 3.0, "Simple Expected Error": 3.5, "Simple Plus-Minus": -0.4, "Advanced Plus-Minus": 0.2, "Mean-Reverted Advanced Plus Minus": 0.1, "Predictive Plus-Minus": 1.0, "# of Polls for Bias Analysis": 12, "Bias": "D +0.6", "Mean-Reverted Bias.1": "D +0.2", "House Effect": "R +0.6", "Average Distance from Polling Average (ADPA)": 3.6, "Herding Penalty": 0.0}