primary-candidates-2018/dem_candidates: 98
Data source:
rowid | Candidate | State | District | Office Type | Race Type | Race Primary Election Date | Primary Status | Primary Runoff Status | General Status | Partisan Lean | Primary % | Won Primary | Race | Veteran? | LGBTQ? | Elected Official? | Self-Funder? | STEM? | Obama Alum? | Party Support? | Emily Endorsed? | Guns Sense Candidate? | Biden Endorsed? | Warren Endorsed? | Sanders Endorsed? | Our Revolution Endorsed? | Justice Dems Endorsed? | PCCC Endorsed? | Indivisible Endorsed? | WFP Endorsed? | VoteVets Endorsed? | No Labels Support? |
98 | Jared Polis | CO | Governor of Colorado | Governor | Regular | 6/26/18 | Advanced | None | On the Ballot | 2.49 | 44.43 | Yes | White | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |