riddler-castles/castle-solutions-2: 20
Data license: CC Attribution 4.0 License · Data source: fivethirtyeight/data on GitHub · About: simonw/fivethirtyeight-datasette
rowid | Castle 1 | Castle 2 | Castle 3 | Castle 4 | Castle 5 | Castle 6 | Castle 7 | Castle 8 | Castle 9 | Castle 10 | Why did you choose your troop deployment? |
20 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 32 | 24 | Out of 55 total points, you only need 28 to win, so let's go all in and see what happens! The way to do this with the fewest number of castles is by winning castles 10, 9, 8,and 1. We'll start by doubling the mean allocation from the previous battle, giving 22 soldiers to castle #10, 32 to #9, 38 to #8, and 6 to #1. This leaves 2 soldiers left, which I'll additionally allocate to castle #10 (because I randomly feel people will be more aggressive on that number based on past results). |