riddler-castles/castle-solutions-2: 52
Data license: CC Attribution 4.0 License · Data source: fivethirtyeight/data on GitHub · About: simonw/fivethirtyeight-datasette
rowid | Castle 1 | Castle 2 | Castle 3 | Castle 4 | Castle 5 | Castle 6 | Castle 7 | Castle 8 | Castle 9 | Castle 10 | Why did you choose your troop deployment? |
52 | 1 | 8 | 9 | 16 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 31 | 31 | Nothing flashy. Tried to assemble 28 from the castles that didn't get enough love last time around (2+3+4+9+10). Left a lone straggler at the others to punish the fools that leave castles naked. This strategy is incapable of winning big, but it wins by a small margin an impressive amount of the time. |