riddler-castles/castle-solutions-2: 99
Data license: CC Attribution 4.0 License · Data source: fivethirtyeight/data on GitHub · About: simonw/fivethirtyeight-datasette
rowid | Castle 1 | Castle 2 | Castle 3 | Castle 4 | Castle 5 | Castle 6 | Castle 7 | Castle 8 | Castle 9 | Castle 10 | Why did you choose your troop deployment? |
99 | 8 | 10 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 33 | 22 | 22 | The goal of the game is not to win as many castle as possible, its to get 28 points. The easy way (looking at the graphs) to do this it to win castles 10,9,8,and 1. The hardest of these is 8 so I invest enough to beat most people on 8 first. I then invest enough to win 1 and 2 as a back up for 1. This leaves me with 49 points. I place one on the castles I'm not going for because the ROI is ridiculously high. (Around 8% chance of getting the points for 1 troop) and split the final 22 between 10 and 9 which should be enough to win most of the time. |