rowid question_id poll_id cycle state pollster_id pollster sponsor_ids sponsors display_name pollster_rating_id pollster_rating_name fte_grade sample_size population population_full methodology office_type seat_number seat_name start_date end_date election_date sponsor_candidate internal partisan tracking nationwide_batch ranked_choice_reallocated created_at notes url stage race_id answer candidate_id candidate_name candidate_party pct 28 136534 72755 2020 Nebraska 1613 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lee Business School University of Nevada Las Vegas Lee Business School 609 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lee Business School B/C 191 lv lv Online U.S. House 2 District 2 10/30/20 11/2/20 11/3/20 0 0 0 11/2/20 21:26 general 8069 Bacon 13510 Don Bacon REP 46.8