president_primary_polls: 2137
rowid | question_id | poll_id | cycle | state | pollster_id | pollster | sponsor_ids | sponsors | display_name | pollster_rating_id | pollster_rating_name | fte_grade | sample_size | population | population_full | methodology | office_type | start_date | end_date | sponsor_candidate | internal | partisan | tracking | nationwide_batch | created_at | notes | url | stage | party | answer | candidate_id | candidate_name | pct |
2137 | 116719 | 63487 | 2020 | New Hampshire | 413 | RKM Research and Communications Inc. | 139,458,1220,1221,1222 | Boston Herald | Franklin Pierce University | NBC10 Boston | Telemundo Boston | NECN | RKM Research and Communications Inc. | 272 | RKM Research and Communications Inc. | A- | 440 | lv | lv-r | Live Phone | U.S. President | 2/5/20 | 2/8/20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2/9/20 12:54 | | primary | REP | Weld | 13351 | William F. Weld | 7.7 |