house_polls: 407
rowid | question_id | poll_id | cycle | state | pollster_id | pollster | sponsor_ids | sponsors | display_name | pollster_rating_id | pollster_rating_name | fte_grade | sample_size | population | population_full | methodology | office_type | seat_number | seat_name | start_date | end_date | election_date | sponsor_candidate | internal | partisan | tracking | nationwide_batch | ranked_choice_reallocated | created_at | notes | url | stage | race_id | answer | candidate_id | candidate_name | candidate_party | pct |
407 | 131634 | 70561 | 2020 | Delaware | 499 | University of Delaware | University of Delaware | 433 | University of Delaware | 847 | lv | lv | Live Phone | U.S. House | 1 | District 1 | 9/21/20 | 9/27/20 | 11/3/20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10/5/20 12:33 | | general | 7915 | Rogers | 14935 | David L. Rogers | LIB | 3.0 |